Getting notified when new Sears deals are available to opt into

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Getting notified when new Sears deals are available to opt into

Who creates the deal?

As part of site merchandising, the Sears merchant team creates regular deals to promote categories.  In order to provide more value to our members, all marketplace sellers can participate by opting into a deal.

What benefits do I get by doing this?

Participating in the deal alongside of the Sears items will have several benefits. Some of which are:

  • Enhanced visibility for your items deals are promoted for free alongside Sears’ items.
  • Emails and front page banners bring members to the pages that are showing your products.
  • Bring more sales

The email and how to opt into deals

When a new deal is created by the Sears team, sellers will get notified via an email if related category items are listed in the catalog. This email notification saves sellers time by not having to constantly check the deals platform to see if there are new deals available.

Below is the image of a sample email notification related to deals:

Turning on the email notifications

In order to get notified of the new deals that are created, the primary account user has to turn on email notifications for any user or secondary user that is active in the Seller Portal.

For more information on this, please visit the article on Managing Email Notifications.

Opting in

Using the deal ID listed in the email, you may search for the same in seller tools tab under Deals & Promos.  Detailed instructions about the steps and instructions on how to opt into an existing deal created by Sears is mentioned in the our knowledge article Marketplace Deals Platform.

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