Marketplace order help

Getting help with a Marketplace order

Contact the seller

We have provided a tool in the order center to contact the seller that your order was placed.  Here's how:
1. Log in to your Account on

2. Click Your Account, and then click Your Orders right next to the Search field

3. Find the order in question and click “view details”

4. Click “contact marketplace seller”

5. Pick from the drop down list the reason that best describes the issue and write a brief description. Don't forget to add pictures if there was damage or you received something you didn't expect

6. Click Send

Please note: The seller has up to 2 business days to reply. If they do not, this will be automatically escalated to our seller support team for review and assistance.

Go to the order center

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a problem with my Marketplace order. What can I do?

You can resolve issues directly through your seller. They can help answer questions and handle exchanges and returns in accordance with the terms of their return policy. Use the order center to send them a message.

Please note: Marketplace items cannot be returned or exchanged at Sears stores. They must be returned or exchanged through the seller.

I contacted the seller, but my issue is still not resolved. What now?

If you’ve tried contacting your seller and their response was inadequate or it’s been at least two business days without a response, Sears can step in. Contact us through the Order Center.

1. Late Delivery: You can contact Sears up to 60 days after the latest estimated delivery date.
2. Item is Damaged, Defective, or Not as Described
3. You must contact your seller within 14 days of receiving the item.
4. Returns must be postmarked within 30 days of receipt.

Does Sears Guarantee my Marketplace order?

Get the product you ordered, when you expect it, or get y​our money back. Original shipping cost included. See “What’s Covered” below.

See What's Covered