How to find your Location ID

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How to find your Location ID

How a Primary User can view Location id

The location ID refers to the ID generated by Sears when you first created your fulfillment locations. If you are the primary user, log into the account and navigate to the account setting tab. This tab is accessible by clicking on the down arrow next to the user’s name in the upper right hand of the screen. Once this drop-down appears, click on the Fulfillment Location section. See the picture below.

Note: No matter how many locations you have you can only designate ONE as the FBM Seller Warehouse location.

How a Secondary User can view Location id

If you are a Secondary user of an account you will not have access to Account Setting tab. However, you can still find Location id details by using Inventory or Order Preparation files. You can download these files by the following steps:

Inventory File

If you are a secondary user log into the seller portal and navigate to the Inventory >> Inventory Mgmt >> Bulk section of the portal. Once the file is downloaded please check column “Location ID” in DATA FORMAT tab.

Where else Location id be found

Order Preparation File

Secondary users can also download Order Preparation File to find Location ID. You can log into the seller portal and navigate to the Products>>Update Order Preparation/Lead Time>>Bulk section of the portal. Once the file is downloaded please check column “Location ID” in DATA FORMAT tab.

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