ASN Rejection Report

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ASN Rejection Report

With the implementation of new shipping carriers we have also built a report for all sellers to see what ASN information is being rejected. This report can be found in the seller portal and can be downloaded in the following way.

Log in to seller portal

Navigate to Seller Tools >> Reports

Select the ASN Rejection Report and enter the start date that you wish to review.

Once you have selected the date range, clicking Download Report will open it in Excel. The report will provide you with information such as the ASN Number that was submitted, the purchase order number and date and the item in question. The most important and actionable items are below.

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Sellers will also be sent an email notification when a file they have submitted contains orders that have failed our ASN validation process.

From: Marketplace Support (

Subject: ASN Rejection Notice


The following ASN(s) was rejected. The tracking number format does not match the carrier code that was used. ASN ID # {asn-number} {asn-number} For additional details on the ASN IDs such as purchase order numbers and order dates, please log into the Seller Portal, navigate to Seller Tools > Reports and view the “ASN Rejection Report”. You may pull the details for these ASN IDs using the <INSERT New API NAME HERE> API. If you have any questions or need assistance, please visit our FAQ site. Please ensure that the correct and valid tracking number is being sent and the carrier code is being used for each shipment.

Thank you,
The Sears Marketplace Team

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